Winchester Photographic Society Accessibility Policy

Winchester Photographic Society (WPS) strives to be known as an accessible society, without any type of discrimination, so we have an Accessibility Policy. The goal is to show how WPS works with its members and guests as well as how it provides its programs and services respecting dignity, independence and equal opportunity for members with disabilities.

This policy will be drawn to the attention of members on joining, on membership renewal and at the first meeting of the season. It will be accessible from the WPS website and there will be a pointer to it in the annual Handbook.

Assistive devices, assistance and access

All people with disabilities are allowed to use their assistive devices. This includes guide dogs or assistance dogs.
The Discovery Centre offers accessibility with ramped access throughout, hearing loop, accessible parking, accessible toilet.

There is level access at Littleton where workshops and smaller group meetings are held. Disabled toilets are available.
Assistance for those with mobility problems is always available, at WPS meetings as is reserved seating offering easy access. Those with mobility problems, either temporary or permanent, are encouraged to let the members who are staffing the “Society Desk” of their requirements when arriving at the Discovery Centre – seating will be reserved. Advanced notice of this can be given to any committee member by email or telephone, and the President will happily act as point of contact.

Those intending to attend workshops or events at Littleton can inform the organiser of their requirements and any issues can be discussed and every effort will be made to accommodate the person with accessibility needs
Outdoor workshops and trips are, in principle, open to those with accessibility needs. Specific needs and requirements can be discussed in advance with the event lead. In case of difficulty the President will act as point of contact and facilitator.


WPS is responsible for communicating with persons with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
An audio-induction loop is available within the Discovery Centre to aid members or guests.
The Communications Secretary will work with individual members who have communication needs so that the weekly newsletter and any special bulletins are delivered effectively and suitably.

Feedback and suggestions

We encourage all the members to give us feedback about how we implement the disability program and provide programs, and services to persons with disabilities. Please do so using contact information:


Contact telephone numbers are shown in the Handbook